Happy New Year #RVLTribe! We hope you've been taking some time to reflect on the past year and set some goals for the new year. If not, no worries! It's never to late to be intentional about the things you want and how you want to take care of you. Setting goals doesn't have to be stressful, this is a time to get excited about the things you want to work towards. Let's get into how this new year will create an even better you!
Know Yourself
Take the time to remind yourself of who you are and what you want. You need to now that you want to achieve and how you will go about getting there. This means knowing your strengths and weaknesses, what your values are and how much time you can devote to your project, passion or goal. This process doesn't need to take forever, so try not to overthink it.
What Is Your Why?
Why do you want to achieve your goal? What is the benefit of achieving it? Why is it important to you? What will it mean to you if you achieve it? Knowing why you want to achieve your goals is just as important of how your will make it happen. Your why will keep you motivated when you might want to give up.
Write it Down
It's important to have a record of your goals, intentions and affirmations so you can refer back to them when times get tough. Keep a journal or even, if you feel comfortable, consider sharing your thoughts to social media so your community can hold you accountable.
When setting your intention for the new year, ask yourself: what do I want? What will make me happy? What are my priorities? And write it all down. It might even be helpful to make an outline of your process so you can stay organized. Once your have everything written out take some time away from your list before making any major decisions about how exactly everything will manifest this year.
Run Your Race
When you're running a race, it's important to stay focused on your own goals. Remember that other runners may have different goals, and why's, than yours so don't focus on the pace of others. Try your best to avoid comparing yourself to others as it can be a dangerous distraction. Focus on being a better you each day and enjoy the competition with yourself.
Check In With Yourself Often
Whether you will be working on your fitness, learning a new language or working to complete that 300 piece puzzle, just remember to embrace the process. Focus on what your can control, your own behavior and effort, and let go of everything else. It won't always be easy but take time to rest, relax and be content in knowing your are taking the steps to reach your goals. Checking in with yourself is not about being complacent but knowing when it's ok not to push yourself and enjoying the journey.
#RVLTribe we hope 2023 brings you all of the joy, success and self-care moments that you need. Let us know in the comments some of the things you'll be working towards this year.